Sarah Roberts Owner
Nail Trims & why?
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Reasons to Trim Nails...
Dogs: Nails that are too long are at risk of being torn off, such as if your dog's nail gets caught on a piece of carpeting or furniture. This can result in an injury that might require veterinary care if it's serious enough. Longer dog nails also make it harder for dogs to walk around comfortably.
Other animals that need trimming...
Cats: You should have your cat's nails trimmed to keep them healthy and prevent problems. Long nails can scratch you, your family, and your furniture.
It also prevents painful complications: Trimming prevents ingrown claws, broken claws, and other painful issues.
*Avoid declawing: Declawing is a surgical procedure that can cause behavioral and health issues.
Goats & Pigs: Tame or domesticated goats and pigs count on you to trim their hooves regularly. Otherwise, their hooves will get too long and they may even become lame from the pain. One of your most important duties as an owner is to regularly trim your pet's hooves.
Regular nail clipping, or trimming, should be part of the routine care of your pet. It is essential for elderly and indoor pets, whereas outdoor pets may wear their nails down naturally. The requirement for nail trimming can vary depending on breed, age, level of exercise and the environment in which your pet is kept.

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